Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Loop of Life

Y'all know about reincarnation. Someone dies. There soul is reborn into a new body.
The end.
But wouldn't it be cool if that actually happened? Not just you die and you fill into the next available slot, but something on a whole bigger scale! Like, what if the world just keeps repeating and repeating! Like, some complicated space time continuum thing happens and by moving far enough in a certain corner of the universe and time files into a loop or whatever. So technically you would live over and over again. Infinitely.
And each time, you fill into one individual. Different each time. Not your memories, not your personality, not even what I would call your soul, but more of your awareness. Stored in some entity of time until the next cycle.
You could have just met the guy you "played" in your last cycle.
That guy you saw on the motorcycle on the way home from school.
The toddler you saw at the playground down the block.
Your creepy vulture librarian.
President Obama!
That girl you asked for help on you math homework in 2nd period (I'm sure you must know her name by now) could be your next one. It's comforting to know that you will always have a chance to exist. Even if there's a time gap the span of infinity between each existence.
But think about it. I mean, this could be totally depressing or extremely awesome to you, or even both at the same time. Depending on your perspective. I mean, you'd live through all those kids dying of starvation in Africa. But don't linger on that! Think of all the movie stars and [surviving] mountain climbers and gymnasts you'll get to be!

(And no - this last pic is not some famous person you should know. She's just a random sky diver.)

And I'm sure there are a ton of other awesome people you could list.
Then there are some things that are just a little weird and a bit awkward, if interesting.
Your mom.
Your crush.
Your spanish teacher.
You could go on and on and on. The scariest thing is - what if it's just you? What if everyone else and all their actions in the entire world - even those you never see - are just recordings of who've you already been? That doesn't really make sense when you think about it, so I try not to.
But chances are you haven't been a bunch of people yet. On the other hand, how can we even tell? This might be one of the really early cycles, but if it's infinite, does that even happen? Or does each repetition collapse and overlap as it crosses the same passage over and over again? That makes it a lot more likely that everyone is just you.
Like Brahman! The spirit in everything.
Okay, that's just a random speculation that isn't really logical, so let's stop talking about that.
But at the same time - let's move on to the unconscious mind. So in that random fantasy I dreamt up above, the unconscious mind would make sense - because your soul would be in like twenty thousand billion places at once!
But what about this - your brains send off electromagnetic thought waves when you think. They bounce off some gama rays or whatever in space, come back, and slip into your brain. Of course, by this time, the signals would be very weak, so they would slip easier into your brain when you sleep - less thought activity to compete with.
That's how we dream! A bunch of random gama-ray-thoughts!



So, it's pi day! I considered doing a separate post for this (as I wrote the draft for the rest of the post yesterday), but it would be very short and I also wanted to post this post today.
So hooray!
Today Ms. Beard had this huge pi competition and stuff. With like, 10 pies. I was jealous. But at least I have the true pi inside my soul!
Here's some pi....
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286 208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481 117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233 786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273724587006 606315588174881520920962829254091715364367892590360011330530548820466521384146 951941511609433057270365759591953092186117381932611793105118548074462379962749 56735188575272489122793818301194912983367336244065664308
(And, yes, I copied and pasted that. I know about 50 digits, and I feel I owe you as my viewers more than that.)
So, pi related stuff...
Well, guess what? Google did NOT do anything pi themed for its browser! Tsk tsk! Instead it did this whole oragami thing for some dead guy's birthday. Boo!
Also, I have heard about a pi clock - 12:00 being 2pi, 6:00 being pi, etc... I'm not exactly sure how the rest of those fractions would file in, so whatever.
Hmm... Well, pi day is NOT Clarissa's Dad's birthday! Silly Clarissa! Hopefully from now on this event will allow you to actually REMEMBER your dad's birthday....
I do not have really much to say about this. But it's extremely awesome and a ton of formulas use it... yeah! Anyways, a bunch of people will probably do other, more awesome pi posts. You are not abandoned!

What other news do I have...
-Alex and I are going to Festival tomorrow - wish us luck and hope that we are not abandoned at the school!
-Emma and I want to arrange us as a band! Alex and Clarissa - y'all onboard with that? Leave your musical resumees in the comments so we know what we have to work with!
- AJCO is playing the Bach Double next concert! I am on the second violin solo! Come to the Schwartz Center at Emory on Wednesday May Ninth to see me!
- We're looking into kittens at the shelter this Saturday! We might be adopting these two adorable little ladies....

Aren't they adorable? Awwww....
Name suggestions welcome! It looks like we may be going with Sasha and possibly Jasmyn or something else herbal (Lavender, Jade, Willow, Fern, etc...)
- Nice earrings, Emma!

Well, I need to go practice, so I guess I'll post this. I hope you got at least something out of this long... unrelated... and slightly disorganized jumbo-post!


I could be wrestling with a squid underwater right now, in MORTAL PERIL somewhere in Kenya's squid reserve, and yet I would still find time to respond to this, so make it count.
[P.S. 25% proceeds from comment benefit donates to the Kenya Save the Squid fund. Sign up today!]