Saturday, March 24, 2012

Spring has Flung

The azaleas are blooming!
The pollen is falling!
The inchworms are clinging!
The poplars are growing!
The dogwoods are flowering.
You know what that means........ 
I went out this morning to take a bunch of pictures of it being spring. Then I found some fairies. Then I wrote about azaleas. I have those pictures prepared for today's post. I hope you enjoy the spring-ness of today's spring. To go along with the spring mood, I am possibly (again) adopting kittens after an interview. Their names are Luna and Lucas. Because the pictures did not load on the website, I only have small pictures for you today.

There they are. Lucas is on top. Luna is on the bottom. These are actually really nice cat names, so although we might be changing Lucas to Luca, or even just Luc, Luna will probably stay Luna.

I really do hope we get them today. If not, I hope I can buy a consolation book on the way to volunteering at Furkids this afternoon.

(Btw, as you've noticed, this post is very COLORFUL. I'm enjoying that. Opinions? Leave your color preferences for future posts in the comments!)

Okay, get ready for the spring pictures!

I actually have a ton more, but I figured I wouldn't bore you. 

Here's me against some azalea bushes.

I also have had a strawberry smoothie today. It was very good. Yum.

 Happy Spring everybody! Hope you don't have any inchworms on your clothes/bikes/helmets!

P.S. Here's me as a fairy:


  1. Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! Kittens! Flowers! Fairies! Colorfullness!

  2. Woooooooah
    How did you do the fairy thing????
    If you did it the way I generally do it, that must have taken a lot of work, :)


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