Saturday, June 9, 2012

Take Nothing but Pictures

Impressive rock formations! This is the lake to where we hiked upon our arrival.
Granite. Lot's of Granite.
This is called El Capitan. (Ca-pee-TAN). Expert climbers rope their ways to the top. 

                                            This is the outside area of Fort Nobear. Pretty cool.

Us in my bunk.
Tree hugger! :) We are one with nature... somewhat.
The surprising and yet convenient water fountain/sink thing.


Somewhere under the rainbow....
The dreaded Mist Trail. Dum dum DUUUUUM.

Behold the glory of Vernal Falls. It was rather scary, but less scary than clinging next to i

             Benjamin next to the waterfall. FINALLY a railing! Bottom of the falls shown to the right. 

Pretty view. That little lump on the granite is Half Dome.  

Triumph! Now it is time to head back doooooooown.
Winding down with marshmallows. Tasty.

All geared up for hiking the next day.
My agony in the pebbly gulch.  Notice the stepping stones that were like 5 inches underwater and thus COMPLETELY USELESS.
B's chariot.
Beautiful reflect-y lake. Photography by Dad.

Mom on her perch.
At the top! *pant pant*

Benjamin sunbathes as he recharges.
The Amazing View. Yaaaaay.

Mom and B tromp valiantly through snow and ice on the way back down.

Benj and I are now tough, seasoned hikers. Huzzah!

Benj and I are actually completely exhausted.
 That's all for now!
I haven't downloaded B's pictures yet from his camera, so I might add one or two pictures this week. Hope you enjoyed the pictures! I have a lot of other pictures from california, but I will save that for another post.
See yooooooou.

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