Monday, February 20, 2012

The Brother Book

Okay, so I've decided to start a new series called "The Brother Book". I tell what a good brother would do, what a bad brother would do, and what my brother would do (hypothetically). I wanted to start this a long time ago, but it was just too much work to illustrate. Hopefully I can keep this going. I might even open a new tab to store them.
My posts will probably consist of only one at a time, but I'm trying to kick this off with three. Tell me what you think!

Your brother is talking on the phone about some unimportant boy thing like stinky socks. They've already covered all their homework and are just chilling. You are filling our an important online form, which asks for some information about you that you don't know. The deadline is in one hour. You ask your brother to use the phone.

Brother: (On phone) Blah blah blah blah
Julia: Say, brother of mine, could I possibly use the phone?
Brother: Of course, sister dear! Let me just rap up my conversation with my chums!
Julia: Okay! :)

Brother: (On phone) Blah blah blah blah
Julia: Say, brother of mine, could I possibly use the phone?
Brother: No.
Julia: Please?
Brother: NO! (flies into murderous rage and murders me with an axe.)


Brother: (On phone) Blah blah blah blah
Julia: Say, brother of mine, could I possibly use the phone?
Brother: Blah blah blah blah.
Julia: Hello! Brother! Could I use the phone, please?
Brother: Blah blah blah blah
Brother: Blah blah blah blah
Julia: Oh my gosh you are scaring me...
Brother: Blah blah blah blah
Brother: Blah blah blah blah
Julia: Can I please use the phone?
Brother: Blah blah blah blah
Julia: ....
Brother: Blah blah blah blah
Julia: AAAAGH! (Attacked by giant bird)
Brother: Blah blah blah blah
Julia: Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (Carried into distance and eaten.)

Brother: Blah blah blah
Julia: Brother of mine, could I please use the phone?
Brother: Blah blah blah
Julia: Benjamin!
Brother: No.
Julia: It's important!
Brother: No.

Then I would end up pulling out commanding big-sister authority and oust him from the phone.

You have a top secret diary.

Brother: Julia, what is in that book?
Julia: It is secret. Please do not read it.
Brother: Okay.

Brother: Julia, what is in that book?
Julia: It is secret. Please do not read it.
Brother: Why not? What's in it?
Julia: Nothing.
Brother: Let me see!
Julia: Eep!
Brother: Ha ha! (Grabs diary and runs into room. Locks door)
Julia: :(


Brother: Julia, what is in that book?
Julia: It is secret. Please do not read it.
Brother: Let me read it!
Julia: No.
Brother: WHAT? DIE! (Goes into murderous rage and kills me with an axe)
Brother: Hehe (reads diary)


Brother: Julia, what is in that book?
Julia: It is secret. Please do not read it.
Brother: Okay. Hehe.
At night
Julia: Zzz
Brother: Hehe (steals)

Brother: Julia, what is in that book?
Julia: It is secret. Please do not read it.
Brother: Let me see....
Julia: No.
Brother: Let me see....
Julia: No.
Brother: Okay, fine. Hmph. (Walks off)

You have a bathroom. It is a nice bathroom, but your brother often leaves it in bad condition. Let's say he doesn't flush, hang up his washcloth, cap the toothpaste, or... drain the bath. You confront him about his habits. 

Julia: Brother, could you maybe clean up after yourself in the bathroom?
Brother: Sure. What do you want me to do?
Julia: Well... (you list the things)
Brother: Okay! (Goes and cleans up)

Julia: Brother, could you maybe clean up after yourself in the bathroom?
Brother: No.
Julia: But brother, you are being very sloppy!
Brother: WHAT? DIE!!!! (Goes into murderous rage and kills me with an axe)


Julia: Brother, could you maybe clean up after yourself in the bathroom?
Brother: No.


Julia: Brother, could you maybe clean up after yourself in the bathroom?
Brother: EAT MELON! (throws melon at me and runs away)

Julia: Brother, could you maybe clean up after yourself in the bathroom?
Brother: I do!
Julia: No you don't... (explains problems)
Brother: Okay

After a while he probably forgets and I remind him again.


  1. WHAT? You made a post mocking me and my habits! You are mortifying bad brothers everywhere! RRRAAAH! DIE!
    (goes into murderous rage and kills you with an axe)

  2. Sorry I offended your brotherness, Clarissa.
    Besides, wait until I can load the pictures....

  3. That would be AWESOME for this post!


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