Monday, February 27, 2012

The End of the World

So, I said I was trying to develop a documentary about the apocalypse. And over the weekend I've traversed to various scenarios and filming stuff. I'm not sure when I'll get the entire thing together, but I'm rather proud of what I've managed to do so far.
To keep you people happy, I took some clips and formed a kind of promo thingy. I considered making it more trailer-y by adding shots of me hanging from vines or climbing a swing set (and yes, I do have shots of me doing those things. I'm not making all this stuff up about me actually doing stuff. The vines are in my back yard).
Anyways, I decided to keep it short for now. The vines didn't really fit the mood.
If I don't make much progress in the upcoming week, I'll squeeze together another trailer to keep you occupied.
So here's the vid:
I totally had this a week ago, but I needed to convert the files a bunch and it was all confusing. I don't know why it didn't let me upload it as a .mov rather than a .mpg or whatever because I've posted it that way a thousand times before.
Okay, I don't have a sound track, so it's kind of boring sound-wise, but if I can find something on my iTunes that works (or make a track or whatever) then I'll edit it in and replace the video on this post.
Hope you like it!
P.S. Love the mask, personally. It made me look and sound like Darth Aardvark or something equally bizarre. Get one before it's too late!


  1. Well, that was awesome.
    1. That is an amazing mask. How did it come to be in your possession?
    2. I love the shots of you all prepared sitting on the sled.
    3. Why do we need a toilet plunger for the end of the world?
    4. Is that ACID in that spray bottle?

  2. I'm glad you liked it!
    1. Well, the result of my father setting up a wood shop in my basement is that I have a bunch of tools lying around. That's also where I got the hammer and the glasses. Dad uses the mask when he's sawing wood so he doesn't inhale sawdust.
    2. Thank you! That was one of the main points I wanted in my initial 'vision'.
    3. I imagine that, although you probably would not feel the need to plunge toilets at the end of the world, there is a variety of uses for which a toilet plunger could come in handy, including a defense mechanism or a tool to plug a hole, if you are creative enough to find them. It never hurts to be prepared.
    4. In the film, it's meant to be acid or something similar (although it could just be some liquid that I might need to spray something with to get it wet or slippery - I let the viewers choose interpretations) but I filmed it with water. I think acid would be more useful at the end of the world in more possible outcomes than water would, but I could be wrong. What do you think?

  3. EPIC
    Though you're right about the sound. Music would make it more interesting sound-wise, plus make the transition between video clips and text slides less awkward, since the text parts are silent but the video clips are filled with the sound of AIR moving around (I hate it when cameras do that. Do we really need to hear the AIR moving around all the time?)
    I can't wait to see more of it...
    How would you carry all that stuff around, though? I mean, you wear a bunch of it, but you still have to carry:
    - A lantern
    - A hammer
    - A plunger
    - A spray bottle
    - A tennis racket
    - A sled (if you are carrying it around - it may have just been a useful place to sit while modeling gear. A sled could be pretty useful though.)
    You need a backpack. Or maybe a tool belt, since you might need weapons at hand. A headlamp would be helpful as opposed to the lantern. You would also need batteries for that. Tell you what, here's my material-handling plan:
    1) Place batteries, sled, and plunger in backpack. (Big backpack!) Plunger could be in a handy strap-thing to make it easily accesible.
    2) Place hammer and spray bottle in tool belt.
    3) Put headlamp on head.
    4) Carry tennis racket in hand.
    Then you're ready to go!
    Well, of course, you'd need your safety googles and gas mask and poncho ready too. We're just assuming that you've put those on already.
    Why would you go outside, though? Wouldn't it be safer to, like, hide in the cellar rather than run outside to whatever ends the world?
    All in all, EPIC video. I want to see you hanging from vines. :)

  4. By the way, your clock is off by 3 hours. You probably knew that already. I think mine is off too...

  5. Who... Is.... Darth Aardvark? Another star wars guy?

  6. Hahahahaha
    It's Darth Vader, Julia thought she kind of also looked/sounded like an aardvark, so therefore, Darth Aardvark!

  7. Well. I assumed you weren't actually filming with acid, because I have no idea where you would get acid. Acid would definitely be more useful for the end of the world, because it has basically all the same properties as other liquids, but it CORRODES things! Wooh! Corrosion!

  8. ...
    Don't you need vitamins too? Like Vitamin D and Vitamin C and stuff?

  9. I have an idea that you could do...
    And we can watch you be hilarious while you play portal and talk!


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