Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Brother Book: Episode 2

SCENARIO: Brother is sitting on sister's panda. Panda is risking being squished, suffocated, or malformed. :(

Me: OMG! Brother, you are squishing my panda!
Brother: (looks up with contempt and disregards comment)
Me: BROTHER! Get off of my panda!
Brother: (continues to ignore sister)
Brother: (shifts weight on panda and smirks)
Me: Mom, brother is squishing my panda!
Brother: Hehe, no I'm not! (Picks up panda and throws it across the room)
(panda lands in fireplace)
(sister dives for panda)
(brother slams into sister, grabs panda, and throws panda out the window)
(panda is run over by a car)
(panda is rather squished but still intact)
(panda does not respond)
Brother: (snarls) NO!
(shoves sister out the window)
(sister is run over by a car)
(brother uses sister as plant fertilizer and puts panda back in her room)


Me: OMG! Brother, you are squishing my panda!
Brother: That's right - hahahahaha! I am turning your panda into a robot with my robotizing-panda pants!
Brother: Hehe.
Panda-bot: Beep. Beep. Boop.
Panda-bot: Master, I am ready to serve.
Brother: Muahahaha.
Me: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Me: Wait till my father hears about this!
Panda-bot: I AM YOUR FATHER!
Me: Wait - WHAT?
Me: Oh no!
Darth Panda: Kill sister and (dramatic inhale) Luke Skywalker (dramatic exhale).
Luke: Die, Darth Panda! You are not my father!
Darth Panda: Look inside yourself Luke, you know that it is true. (dramatic breathing)
Luke: NOOO!
(Luke whips out light saber)
Me: What the heck is going on???
Darth Panda: KILL KILL KILL!
Luke: DIE!
(Luke lunges with light saber)
(Darth Panda knocks the light saber aside. It flies out the window)
Luke: Oh no!
Riava: Don't worry. I won't let the panda hurt you.
Riava: I won't let you hurt these innocent people. You have caused much too much damage already. Come back to the light, Anakin Panda-walker. You can still work with the Jedi!
Brother: Don't listen to her Darth Panda! You are Darth Panda! You are invincible!
Darth Panda: Beep - SYSTEM OVERLOAD.
Robotizing-panda pants: Beep. Overflow error.
Brother: NOOOOOO!
Panda: Yay! I am a free Jedi Panda once again!
Brother: YOU! (attacks Riava)
(epic battle ensues)
(Riava wins) (duh)
(Everybody cheers and we throw a Riava-is-awesome party)


Me: OMG, Brother, you are sitting on my panda!
(Kills me with an axe)

Me: OMG! Brother, you are squishing my panda!
Brother: Oh horrors!
(Brother immediately retrieves Panda)
Brother: Oh, Panda, I am sincerely sorry! How can I ever fully express my regret?
Panda: Don't mention it. It was an accident.
Brother: No, I insist! Here I will present you both with these apology cupcakes!
Me: Thank you!
Panda: This is very kind of you, Brother.
Brother: It was the least I could do.

Me: OMG! Brother, you are squishing my panda!
Brother: (no response)
Me: BROTHER! Get off my panda!
Brother: (grunt) Fine. (Removes panda)
(throws it on the couch)
Me: Don't sit on my Panda any more!
Brother: I won't.

Monday, May 28, 2012

West Coast

Okay, so I'm leaving San Francisco tomorrow morning.  We're going to Yosemite Park where we are camping out in a tent-cabin thing by the curve of a river in a valley. We are equipped with pans, cups, Cliff bars, condensed milk, and dehydrated raspberry crumble.
So far San Francisco has been fun. We've stayed at my aunt Diana's condo type thing with her chihuahua Peanut. B and I have slept on couches with fuzzy blankets.
It's the 50th anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge. That means carnivals and parades for normal people, and crowds and traffic for me. We were going to go to this cool thing called the Exploritorium (I don't even know what that is, but it sounded neat) but we decided not too because it would be partied up on nearby streets.
Instead we've basically just been walking around. Saturday we basically just hung out at my aunt's house. She's been having back problems, so she has this really cool thing called an 'Inversion Table' - which is a board thing balanced just right (you adjust it to your height) that claps around your ankles in this brace contraption, and you can then hang upside down against the board. Apparently this is very good for your vertebrae. I have pictures, but I won't be able to load them off until after the trip.
Sunday we walked through the Golden Gate Park and around the Ocean Beach (which is a bunch of blocks down from my aunt's house). It sucks that the water is so cold here, because you can't swim in 60 degree water!
Then we went to Japan Town - which was EPIC. Most of Japan town was inside this bridge-building thing. There was a really cool Japanese bookstore with lots of magazines, books, and manga. There were also some restaurants. In Japan, restaurants have plastic models of each dish in a display window outside the restaurant, which actually seems really helpful. The plastic food looked good anyways.
Then there was a shop of little stationary and paper goodies. It was heaven for my nerdy little brain. There were colored tapes and note books and pens and staplers and erasers and fans and paper robot things and clip boards and all sorts of overpriced simple stuff that just really made me HAPPY.
Especially the expensive tins of paperclips shaped like animals (Cats, ducks, alligators, HIPPOS!!!) My heart broke with the Hippo Clips.
Anyways, I got a pretty little notebook - nothing especially Japanese, but just a souvenir of all the things that were in that little shop.
We had Korean Barbecue - which is SO GOOD. They bring you rice, sea weed soup, and lots of bowls of little goodies to go on your rice. Then they bring you marinated meats and you grill them. YUM!
Today we hiked around on these ruins of some sort of stone water park thing by Seal Rock and all these cliffs. The ruins were very cool and fun to explore, although it was kinds of scary because they were flooded by all this murky water. It was extremely windy all over, but you get used to the cold pretty quickly. Benjamin went scaling all these gigantic cliffs and things and I climbed a couple large rocks myself. It was hard because there was a ton of the sand on the rocks, so you had to scrape the sand of each foothold for five minutes before climbing up.
Then in the afternoon we explored the best beach ever - it was really pretty with fun sand and lots of pretty flowers we hiked around. The wind was great. A bunch of people were hang gliding. The sand was nice and powdery to slip around in. Tide was coming back in at this point, so Benjamin and I would go to the area of wet sand and try to finish drawing patterns and then running away when the tide got to close. We would follow each wave back down the beach and then would be chased away.
Then we chased Peanut over all these trails with sand and wild flowers and I felt all ROBUST and ADVENTUROUS. It was seriously very cool, and the ocean view was amazing.
Things are going fun!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Riava Fighting Analysis

Okay, so I promised you all a video with Riava's "moves". And I finished it. So I know that flashy fighting computer games might not be your "thing" for several of you. (I did get a clip of Riava fighting a bug rather than Empire soldiers, which results in a lot less gun blasts and random other flashes and numbers.)
So, the introduction is Riava confronting Lord Vivicar. Backstory: A bunch of Jedi Masters were going insane because they were taken over by a Shadow Plague. The Jedi masters were going insane and they all mentioned 'Parkanas Tark' and that 'The darkness was coming'. We discovered that they had all been taken over by this plague by the Sith spirit of its creator - and they were forced to abandon their companion, Parkanas, behind to die.
Well, it turns out Parkanas survived. Parkanas IS Lord Vivicar, the sith infecting all these jedi for revenge.
I was going to make the conclusion a separate clip, but I'm worried about them exporting before I have to leave.
I'm gonna post this to let you know I tried, just in case. Hopefully I can at least get the documentary clip thing up. It's not TOO long. If not, know that I'm trying!
Okay, I'll start loading it on....
agh error.
hang on.

Okay it's uploading....
Okay, I'm gonna go put on my socks. AAAAGH.

It actually WORKED. Phew. And with one minute to go!
Alright. Posting this. Stick with me here! :)

PS Yeah, I have to turn off the computer now. This sucks, because it now says there are only seven minutes left. I'll see if I can procrastinate...

Monday, May 21, 2012

Don't Meow at me Like That

So, last Saturday, I was going to volunteer at Furkids.
Mom dropped me off in front of the Petsmart at Midtown. I went inside. When I got to the little cat adoption room thing, the door was open, but no fencing was up and nobody was there. I was like, what the heck, and I went inside. Cammie, my surrogate cat, was there. Everyone of sleeping, except Isabella, a really needy, jealous grey tabby - only a year old. I came in there and she started meowing at me. I tried to pet her through the cage thing, but she was not satisfied. I wasn't sure what to do, so I just waited for Jenni, my shift-partner, to show up. I tried opening the cabinet thing with what I thought was the correct combination - "XYZ", but that didn't work, so I mixed up XYZ a bunch of ways because I was almost positive that that was the code.
Isabella meowed at me imploringly.
Then these two people showed up and came in the little room. They entertained Cammie for a while and I was suddenly thinking that the guy might be adopting her! But now, they looked at the cage below her (which I had thought was empty) and the woman was all "Yeah, she's in there."
I was like, "well that's WEIRD." Then I looked over the woman's shoulder as she unlocked the cabinet. (Turns out the combination was XWZ - oops.) She got the keys to the cages and a cat carrier from above. Now that I knew the combination, I went over and looked at the cage below Cammie's. It was STILL empty. I figured that the Furkids people must have been talking about a different cage. Then the woman walked over to that same cage, unlocked it, and the guy reached behind the littler box and scooped out the tiniest kitten I have ever seen by the scruff of her neck. She was sort of a tortie, with coloring a little like Sasha's only browner. She was about the size of my fist, curled up a little like a hedgehog.
I was stunned. O.O
She was ADORABLE. I was sort of in shock. Apparently she had been abandoned at the Petsmart earlier that same day, and was being transported to the main center.
(BTW - check out the furkids website! There are a ton of new kittens that are just so cute! Those little calicos Skittles and Sweet Tart.... Those ones photographed in baskets.... I love Sasha and Maya, but apparently all kittens melt my heart. :) kitten pictures << Check out all those bundles of joy right here! They are all so cute....)
At this point I knew the code, so I followed the people to make sure they had left the store, and then I snuck back to set up. I broke into the cabinet thing - LEGALLY. I am a Furkids volunteer, I just forgot one digit of the code.
Anyways, I lugged the fencing around the enclosure and then let everyone out. Isabella first. There were several new faces. Panther, a really sweet black tom. Claudia, a cuddly, shy calico with a really beautiful pelt.
The one who stood out to me was Carter, a cloud colored scruffy guy with really long hair and a long skinny neck.
Furkids had rescued Carter from a bush. He had gotten stuck there because his hair was so long. :)
Anyways, I then got very sweaty releasing all the cats and dragging cat trees outside the room and cleaning litter boxes and stuff. Plus I would FREAK OUT whenever a staff person walked by.
It was intense. I was glad when the volunteer for the next shift showed up. 

The Plan

So here's the "deal"
I haven't posted yet this month. I do have several posts planned out and in progress, so I will tell you what to look for right now. (Btw, my blogger account just switched to the new posting format and it is MAJORLY WEIRD. I miss the old one!)
So, I'm just going to lay it all out.
In no particular order.

1) Well, you guys know I've been trying to compile a kitten video. For a while I just filmed a bunch of random cute behavior, but it's really hard for me to know where to start with these things because there's SO MUCH that they do and so much that I can't all film which seems futile and unfair. I do have a lot of footage, so I'm splitting it into three chunks: Likes/Dislikes, Daily Routine, and Around the House.
These might be posted separately, it depends how much time they each seem to be taking. I'm already pretty far with Likes/Dislikes, so hopefully I will have that up by the end of the month. I'll get them all up here eventually, I promise!
We also have a cat tree now. Dad made it! He used several yards of black fabric, several puffs of polyester, and 97 feet of rope! I'll probably just throw in some pictures of that with this post.

2) I want to do a summary of the weekend (focusing on Furkids and a pool party I went to yesterday as well as the newest gash on my leg), which won't involve pictures or anything like that, so I'll try to just toss that in there this afternoon, if I show constraint and manage not to tell you guys everything at school already.

3) I took a video of Riava being awesome, and I want to share it with you guys! You'd think that would be really easy. You just take the video(s) and put them in an order that makes sense. Maybe add a title thing. It's actually harder than that. I want to make this as easy to watch as possible for you non-computergame folk out there. There are a ton of numbers that flash up all over the screen as we fight, and there's some stuff around the edges, so I'm thinking about how to make this most appealing. Right now I'm planning to show one opening clip, and then do a bunch of slow mo and labeling on another, to point out all her moves.

4) I've started a thing about locker cleaning. At first I was just going to do a bunch of pictures, but then I made a little animation thing... you know how these things get out of hand. Now I'm thinking I'll combine a bunch of stills with animation. I don't think the animation will take that much longer really - most of the stuff is really simple. Status on that: planned out, progress on animation, still need to do the stills.

5) MYSTERY POST!!! Ooooooh. This is actually a very concrete idea in my brain, but aside from thinking it through, I haven't made any progress. It's gonna be one of those posts when I start rambling about concepts that don't really make sense and probably make some scientific mistakes in the eating habits of praying mantises.
That's a weird plural. Mantises.
Anyways, this will require a lot of illustration, which means effort. Since I'm already contributing most of my effort to the other projects, this is probably the least likely to happen WITHIN THIS MONTH. It will get up there eventually.

6) Will I do a summer thing? Who knows? I wouldn't want to be redundant to Clarissa's blog. I'll try to figure something out.

7) I'm going to California on the 26th for about a week. Huzzah. I might post once or twice from there, it depends.

8) I have a draft for another Brother Book thing, but I haven't posted it yet because I didn't want it to be just an excuse when I wasn't able to post. I do plan to continue it.

So, I've had a streak of five posts a month. Do you guys feel I should actively keep that - as in not going OVER it? Because I know it's cool and all that, but it's only 60 posts a year. It's up to you guys. I don't really have a problem with stockpiling excess for the next month, but I'm not sure how to plan for the California thing....
Let me know in the comments!
See you at school...