Monday, May 21, 2012

Don't Meow at me Like That

So, last Saturday, I was going to volunteer at Furkids.
Mom dropped me off in front of the Petsmart at Midtown. I went inside. When I got to the little cat adoption room thing, the door was open, but no fencing was up and nobody was there. I was like, what the heck, and I went inside. Cammie, my surrogate cat, was there. Everyone of sleeping, except Isabella, a really needy, jealous grey tabby - only a year old. I came in there and she started meowing at me. I tried to pet her through the cage thing, but she was not satisfied. I wasn't sure what to do, so I just waited for Jenni, my shift-partner, to show up. I tried opening the cabinet thing with what I thought was the correct combination - "XYZ", but that didn't work, so I mixed up XYZ a bunch of ways because I was almost positive that that was the code.
Isabella meowed at me imploringly.
Then these two people showed up and came in the little room. They entertained Cammie for a while and I was suddenly thinking that the guy might be adopting her! But now, they looked at the cage below her (which I had thought was empty) and the woman was all "Yeah, she's in there."
I was like, "well that's WEIRD." Then I looked over the woman's shoulder as she unlocked the cabinet. (Turns out the combination was XWZ - oops.) She got the keys to the cages and a cat carrier from above. Now that I knew the combination, I went over and looked at the cage below Cammie's. It was STILL empty. I figured that the Furkids people must have been talking about a different cage. Then the woman walked over to that same cage, unlocked it, and the guy reached behind the littler box and scooped out the tiniest kitten I have ever seen by the scruff of her neck. She was sort of a tortie, with coloring a little like Sasha's only browner. She was about the size of my fist, curled up a little like a hedgehog.
I was stunned. O.O
She was ADORABLE. I was sort of in shock. Apparently she had been abandoned at the Petsmart earlier that same day, and was being transported to the main center.
(BTW - check out the furkids website! There are a ton of new kittens that are just so cute! Those little calicos Skittles and Sweet Tart.... Those ones photographed in baskets.... I love Sasha and Maya, but apparently all kittens melt my heart. :) kitten pictures << Check out all those bundles of joy right here! They are all so cute....)
At this point I knew the code, so I followed the people to make sure they had left the store, and then I snuck back to set up. I broke into the cabinet thing - LEGALLY. I am a Furkids volunteer, I just forgot one digit of the code.
Anyways, I lugged the fencing around the enclosure and then let everyone out. Isabella first. There were several new faces. Panther, a really sweet black tom. Claudia, a cuddly, shy calico with a really beautiful pelt.
The one who stood out to me was Carter, a cloud colored scruffy guy with really long hair and a long skinny neck.
Furkids had rescued Carter from a bush. He had gotten stuck there because his hair was so long. :)
Anyways, I then got very sweaty releasing all the cats and dragging cat trees outside the room and cleaning litter boxes and stuff. Plus I would FREAK OUT whenever a staff person walked by.
It was intense. I was glad when the volunteer for the next shift showed up. 

1 comment:

I could be wrestling with a squid underwater right now, in MORTAL PERIL somewhere in Kenya's squid reserve, and yet I would still find time to respond to this, so make it count.
[P.S. 25% proceeds from comment benefit donates to the Kenya Save the Squid fund. Sign up today!]