Monday, May 21, 2012

The Plan

So here's the "deal"
I haven't posted yet this month. I do have several posts planned out and in progress, so I will tell you what to look for right now. (Btw, my blogger account just switched to the new posting format and it is MAJORLY WEIRD. I miss the old one!)
So, I'm just going to lay it all out.
In no particular order.

1) Well, you guys know I've been trying to compile a kitten video. For a while I just filmed a bunch of random cute behavior, but it's really hard for me to know where to start with these things because there's SO MUCH that they do and so much that I can't all film which seems futile and unfair. I do have a lot of footage, so I'm splitting it into three chunks: Likes/Dislikes, Daily Routine, and Around the House.
These might be posted separately, it depends how much time they each seem to be taking. I'm already pretty far with Likes/Dislikes, so hopefully I will have that up by the end of the month. I'll get them all up here eventually, I promise!
We also have a cat tree now. Dad made it! He used several yards of black fabric, several puffs of polyester, and 97 feet of rope! I'll probably just throw in some pictures of that with this post.

2) I want to do a summary of the weekend (focusing on Furkids and a pool party I went to yesterday as well as the newest gash on my leg), which won't involve pictures or anything like that, so I'll try to just toss that in there this afternoon, if I show constraint and manage not to tell you guys everything at school already.

3) I took a video of Riava being awesome, and I want to share it with you guys! You'd think that would be really easy. You just take the video(s) and put them in an order that makes sense. Maybe add a title thing. It's actually harder than that. I want to make this as easy to watch as possible for you non-computergame folk out there. There are a ton of numbers that flash up all over the screen as we fight, and there's some stuff around the edges, so I'm thinking about how to make this most appealing. Right now I'm planning to show one opening clip, and then do a bunch of slow mo and labeling on another, to point out all her moves.

4) I've started a thing about locker cleaning. At first I was just going to do a bunch of pictures, but then I made a little animation thing... you know how these things get out of hand. Now I'm thinking I'll combine a bunch of stills with animation. I don't think the animation will take that much longer really - most of the stuff is really simple. Status on that: planned out, progress on animation, still need to do the stills.

5) MYSTERY POST!!! Ooooooh. This is actually a very concrete idea in my brain, but aside from thinking it through, I haven't made any progress. It's gonna be one of those posts when I start rambling about concepts that don't really make sense and probably make some scientific mistakes in the eating habits of praying mantises.
That's a weird plural. Mantises.
Anyways, this will require a lot of illustration, which means effort. Since I'm already contributing most of my effort to the other projects, this is probably the least likely to happen WITHIN THIS MONTH. It will get up there eventually.

6) Will I do a summer thing? Who knows? I wouldn't want to be redundant to Clarissa's blog. I'll try to figure something out.

7) I'm going to California on the 26th for about a week. Huzzah. I might post once or twice from there, it depends.

8) I have a draft for another Brother Book thing, but I haven't posted it yet because I didn't want it to be just an excuse when I wasn't able to post. I do plan to continue it.

So, I've had a streak of five posts a month. Do you guys feel I should actively keep that - as in not going OVER it? Because I know it's cool and all that, but it's only 60 posts a year. It's up to you guys. I don't really have a problem with stockpiling excess for the next month, but I'm not sure how to plan for the California thing....
Let me know in the comments!
See you at school...


  1. I thinkkk...
    It depends.
    Get it up to five posts!!! And keep it that way!!! No more, no less!!!!
    Um, well.
    Get five posts done for sure.
    If you are COMPLETELY CAPABLE of completing the other post(s) before the end of the month then that's cool, you can go over if you have a ton of time left and you're just sitting there waiting for the month to end so you can post all your stuff.
    If it would take a bit of work that you might feel like not doing or if you could get it done but don't really feel like it or if you DO feel like it BUT there's only two days of the month left, THEN you should probably wait til next month to start posting again cuz the five-per-month-thing is cool.
    So this month, I say do all that stuff and get AT LEAST five posts up. Then probably dont post anymore for this month unless you really want to and are completely capable.

  2. Oh my god... drill sergeant! D:

  3. Welll... that's not exactly how I meant for it to come across....
    I mean, it's a very hard question because it depends how you feel about it and how much you are capable of it and how much the whole five-posts-thing means to you. So I was very detailed.

  4. in all caps...
    sounding very set in stone...
    just sort of drawn aback :)

  5. Well, I only used caps to either emphasize (since we dont have italics in the comments) ("If you are COMPLETELY CAPABLE of completing....") or to give a title. Like when I said IF YOU HAVENT POSTED MUCH THIS MONTH AND DONT HAVE MANY IDEAS (OR ANY THAT COULD BE REALISTICALLY COMPLETED BEFORE THE MONTH ENDS): I meant it as a title, not screaming it at you. I guess that came off kind of loud. Hm.

  6. I think the 5-per-month thing is pretty awesome, but if you can post more that will make me happy.


I could be wrestling with a squid underwater right now, in MORTAL PERIL somewhere in Kenya's squid reserve, and yet I would still find time to respond to this, so make it count.
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