Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Best Day Ever

This was written for a school assignment. All of you play a part!

A soft purple light presses on my eyelids and I realize I am awake. My eyes open readily to the gentle streamers of sun dripping through my window. My bedroom is clean and glowing, without a speck of dust on the pristine white carpeting. I sigh, feeling warm and well rested. As I contemplate the morning, I notice my kittens are snuggling against me. Sasha is bundled in a fluffy muffin-shape on my chest, and Maya leans against my side.
The kittens seem to sense that I am awake, and they stretch, cuddling each other and purring. This is the beginning of a snuggle fest that continues the next 15 minutes. I pet them and they slide and roll all over me contentedly. Maya slides onto my face and sticks her nose in my ear.
Eventually I arise and get dressed. Clothes have been laid out, which all fitting comfortably and softly and happening to be extremely fashionable, with floaty layers and coordinated color combinations. The kittens start tumbling around my room quietly.
I walk to the bathroom, which is clean and naturally lit, and wash my face. My hair is long like it used to be, but light and untangled. I brush my teeth with non-flavored toothpaste, and smile at the mirror. I no longer have braces, but my teeth are now straight.
My brother, Benjamin, is still asleep. So is everyone else; it is only eight o’clock on a Saturday. I tiptoe downstairs without disturbing anything, and curl up on the couch with a blanket to read. Birds start chirping through the windows, which are not obscured by blinds. Not only birds are stirring; squirrels scamper across the front yard.
My father comes downstairs and starts cooking waffles, with eggs. Soon the house is filled with an aroma of waffles, which rouses my brother. He trundles downstairs sleepily with his hair fluffing up in unusual ways, toting his stuffed elephant. We talk for a while, playing with the kittens.
The table has become magically set with plates and cutlery, so I am free to do as I wish. I decide to feed the cats a serving of wet food. I choose Ocean Whitefish Feast, which as well as being my kittens’ favorite, also smells better than competition in the litter box. The kittens wait patiently, without leaping onto the counter or sink or anything. When I put the dish on the floor, Sasha does not eat too fast.
Dad announces that breakfast is now ready for us as well. The waffles are fluffy and delicious. I have juice with my breakfast that is fresh and sweet, instead of the bitter taste that orange juice can sometimes get. I eat a satisfactory amount of food, and do not feel over full. We all finish breakfast at the same time and move to the living room.
Dad plays music – good music, like Dvorak or Smetana. Benjamin and I sit on the floor and play chess. Benjamin is able to beat me twice, which makes him very happy. After a bit more family relaxation, I decide to go outside and experience the lovely weather.
I walk in a large Nature Preserve, with hilly forests and rivers. The autumn weather is crisp and cool and breezy, like a gem. I do not get tired, so I am able to devote my attention to thinking happy thoughts. I wade into a river up to my knees. The water is relaxing and cold, but not overly frigid. I stand in the river for a while, watching the fabrics of the current. Finally I retreat to bank. My shoes come on easily, and my feet stick to no sand or wet.
I happen to have my camera, which has been no weight or burden thus far, and I take many amazing pictures of the scenery. With a magical moving tripod, I also film a low-key music video of myself doing various things in the forest.
It is now lunch time, and my mother picks me up from the preserve to go to a local Thai restaurant. We are led to the back of the restaurant, where we discover a large garden filled with exotic flowers of vivid eccentric colors. Large birds of various types lounge in the shadows of voluminous fountains and sculptures. Luckily, we are currently the only ones here.
I order basil rolls, pad thai, soup, and ginger beef. The servings are just right, and I am able to eat the dishes to my content without feeling overfed in any way. The waiter does not bother us, instead leaving us with a pitcher of water to pour as we please. It turns out that it is No-Pay Restaurant Day, so our meal goes free of charge!
We walk home together, where I am suddenly inspired to engage in many artistic crafts. I go to my room and paint several pictures. I have recently bought new paints and canvases, and the colors blend wonderfully. After I lay these down to dry, I transition to photography. The lighting in my house is perfect, and every shot turn out great. Benjamin suggests we try some sculpture together, so I join him in the making of some abstract creations in clay.
Mom and Dad interrupt us to take Benjamin to a play date with his friends in a park. I have the house to myself, so I take the advantage of the privacy to complete all the video projects which I have endeavored to plan.
Alex, Emma, and Clarissa drop by to help. They are very useful holding cameras or props, or even serving as extras. To celebrate the completion and perfection of my creations, we go to the frozen yogurt place two blocks away from my house. There is no car traffic or noise pollution on the way to Yoforia, and the surrounding stores are closed and quiet.
The music in the store is sort of tingly, and not annoying or interfering in any way. There is a huge selection of flavors, and we manage to get a satisfactory taste of each without the total becoming too expensive or filling. We talk for a bit about school, then take a fancy bus to a nearby beach.
The bus is cushy and fun, with plush seats and plasma tanks and music players. We lounge around joking and playing word games. Before we arrive, we change into our swimsuits, which are sleek and modern and make us look like very experienced teenagers.
The beach is sunny and empty, but we don’t need sunscreen. Large expanses of sand are piled with rare, beautiful shells that we collect in buckets. The tide is in, and we run to the water and play without getting sand in our swimsuits. The water is warm and salty, swelling in huge, exciting waves in certain areas. We swim under the water, without getting any in our nose or mouths.
We see dolphins appear nearby, and they swim closer. We are of course not aloud to touch or feed them, but they come right up to us all the same. Their skins are dark and wet, and they circle us, happily fluting.
After our beach fun, changing clothes is easy – not cold, not tedious, and not uncomfortable. Now I am perfectly dry in an array stylish summery clothes. My long hair flows in the ocean breeze, which is relaxing and fun. We head up over the dunes (without disturbing any errant sea turtle nests) and split ways.
I find a canoe sitting in a lake. The canoe is small and lean, with a glossy red paint job. I settle onto the bench and row effortlessly along the deserted lake. The sun reflects off the cool waters, throwing into relief the surrounding mountains. Occasionally I pass small islands in the water, but there are fewer of them as the lake narrows into a thick channel, surrounded by dense forest.
Oddly enough, I come across a deliberate clearing by the shore on one side, where there seems to be a large, intricate pagoda. I row ashore, and discover that a large stock of books from Borders have been kept here, and are now being given away. It just so happens that all the books I want to read or own are here. I put these in a cart as I browse, which is driven off to my house once I am finished. Borders also happens to have a number of other random products, such as a collection of albums by the kpop artists I happen to enjoy.
From this pagoda is a path up a mountain, thick with greenery. I take one of my newly purchased books and hike up with it until I find a nice shady spot with a hammock near the top. The hammock is soft and relaxing. I arrange myself facing the horizon, and read my new book.
It is a rather short book, and does not take me very long to finish. It is late in the afternoon, almost evening. I hike up a little farther to a cliff, from which I paraglide to Clarissa’s house. The wind is great for paragliding, and I feel very alive up in the sky. Alex and Emma are just arriving when I show up, and all three of my friends are impressed by my paragliding skills. Before we go inside, Mom shows up with my kittens.
The kittens are perfectly willing to adjust to their new surroundings and have a fun time exploring in this ringworm-spore-free environment! For a while my friends and I play with the kittens, then agree on a joint filming project, which we create in Clarissa’s basement. We only make it half way through the project, but we decide that we can leave the rest for tomorrow.
Instead, we head out to Clarissa’s back yard, where we play imagination games. Clarissa’s neighbor has transformed their row of yards into a maze of trees, logs, and canals from the small creek. We don’t have boots, but our shoes turn out to be water resistant. When we decide to go barefoot anyways, the mud and wet comes off easily as needed.
Dinner is Japanese food, which is cooked for us by a private chef from a Japanese restaurant. (This is not to imply that Clarissa’s father’s Japanese cousine does not compare to that of this particular chef, however I would like to picture the meal rather resembling ones that I have had previously from particular cooking styles). We all like the food, but even better is the desert, which takes the form in that of several large muffins.
After dinner we talk for a bit, then gush over my new kpop albums. Everyone happens to be into the same kpop groups as I am, and we chat about them all. We also participate in some fun criticism and rants. By now we are feeling very happy and bonded.
It is dark outside, and we adjourn to a makeup party in Clarissa’s bathroom! Our makeup stores have very much expanded, so the range in experiments is much more exciting. I create a playlist of tunes reminiscent of makeovers and play that on my iPod. We are now experts at our beauty techniques. All of us look great, but I look the best. We all exchange compliments.
Looking fantastic, we retire to Clarissa’s bedroom, which is bigger and more comfortable than usual. We snuggle up with blankets and kittens to watch the next installment of a TV show on a huge TV screen in Clarissa’s room. We all have popcorn, but no one eats to quickly or makes any distracting noise. During the show, our makeup melts away. Somewhere in a commercial break we all change into our pajamas, which are fuzzy and cozy but not too hot.
The show ends, and we turn on a lamp to talk about our favorite characters. This conversation evolves to a more personal track on crushes and things. All our beds are on the same level, so we burrow in, still able to make eye contact. Soon enough we arrive at a very productive round of truth or dare. (These games have almost always ended up being just truth, but today there are some rather creative non-exertion or humiliation based dares that prop up.)
            We are able to stay up as long as we want, but we are not getting tired. I am feeling very satisfied under my warm covers, surrounded by happy friends and kittens, but not strained. The conversation does not dwindle, and when we finally go to sleep, we will be well rested in the morning. Once the conversation stops, my brain pleasantly fogs, and I reflect on the wonders of my day. My kittens are yet again piled on top of me, and they purr softly as I drift off to sleep.

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