Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Over the River and Through the Woods

So... I came out at school two weeks ago!



It was national coming out day/week last week-ish, and since then many outings have been achieved!

Casey and Clarissa and I met about coming out to the class. We decided that it would be less awkward to do it by way of a digital letter rather than in person. This would hopefully present an onslaught of potentially awkward questions.

I spent a couple days writing the letter in a word document. For some reason, when you copy from a word document, it sometimes crops off the back edge in an email. This made me have to attach the document separately, which made me worry that kids would take a long time getting around to downloading and reading it.
Put it on their highrise...
forget about it...
not wanting to write an essay about anything...
I was kind of nervous.

I added a little introduction about wanting to tell everyone in the class something that I just want to be known about me and it shouldn't be a big deal and yadayadayada. I saved this as a draft, but then I wasn't really sure what to do.

Should I email it to Casey? Then she could forward it to everyone? No, Casey never checks her email. Besides, that would be weird.
To Clarissa? That seems a bit unnecessary. In the end I just decided to send it out to everyone.

(for some reason Laura's email was this totally random thing, so it had to be forwarded to her by Casey, but whatever)

Clarissa, Alex, and I made sure everyone was on the list, grabbed our stuff, and asked Casey to ask the class to read it. Then Clarissa and I fled downstairs, leaving Alex to keep as a lookout.

We went to a room downstairs and panicked. No one was emailing me or doing anything and I was FREAKING OUT. I sent a few panic emails. Clarissa would go upstairs to get stuff and scout. The first time she went up everyone was like "SHE'S COMING" and then sort of stared at her. Then they realized she wasn't me and it was a bit awkward.

No one responded for a very long time, which was horrible, but here are some nice responses I have now:

"It's probably really scary to come out and say something personal like that. You're really brave." -Laura

"okay, I am not against bisexuality so I don't really care but it is nice to know.  If we had to write an essay about a health class that would get an A+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" -Cole

"You go girl!!!! " -Lucy

In addition to the school, I have also now been outed to:

-My violin teacher
-Clarissa's dad (it's about time!)
-4 more people from the synagogue

And yeah. Bing!
Happy National Coming Out Month!

Tomorrow I'll post a Brother Book about Coming Out. Yaaaay.


  1. Yays a post! Also, yay for Clarissa's did! You didn't utilize any dance routines, did you?


I could be wrestling with a squid underwater right now, in MORTAL PERIL somewhere in Kenya's squid reserve, and yet I would still find time to respond to this, so make it count.
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