Monday, November 28, 2011

Breeding Blorphy Bulldogs go Downhill!

In addition to the weather around here being rainy and miserable, I have shocking news.
Now, I'm sure we are all familiar with the bulldog.

These wrinkly canines are a common association with the spiky collar, and well known by all.
But here's the catch - bulldogs were never destined to be this ugly. The bulldog "look" is not remotely similar to that of almost any other dog (besides, perhaps, the pug) and research shows that, 200 years ago, this was not the case.
Bulldogs have been intentionally bred to look more wrinkly, squat, and outright weird. Apparently a lot of people find this attractive, "cute", in their pampered pet. Although I do not find bulldogs repulsive in the slightest, I am not sure why their unusual physique was deliberately squashed.
So, yes, this is weird, but why is it bad? What has this done?
Good question.
The answer is A LOT.
Bulldogs are suffering major health issues do to overlarge teeth or wrinkles clogging their nostrils, as well as some damage to other internal suffering. Also, being so squat has some disadvantages.  Many bred bulldogs are currently incapable of having sex without human assistance, nor would the females be able to give birth - the heads of their young are just too big!!!
With these grotesque developments, bulldogs' live spans are dramatically shrinking.  People are rallying to stop and even reverse breeding in this direction. No dog fan myself, I sincerely hope that bulldogs will   receive a much healthier body as time passes.
Good luck, doggies!

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