Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Festival of Lights Interrupted by Imperial Agent

And the holiday comes to an end!
I hope everyone enjoyed there respective holidays. What did everyone get?
(Also, what was X-mas like in Asia, Alex?)
Anyways, total stock of presents comes to a close.
Thank you to everyone for the books and other stuff! Especially the ear muffs, Benj. Love the ear muffs.
I got a yad yesterday! Yads are Jewish tools. Yad means hand in hebrew, and we use them to keep our place while chanting torah. This one was hand painted in Israel with blue swirls and birds. Yads have little metal hands on the end. Mine came with a beautiful stand. Yay! On the topic of Hebrew-related presents, I also got a CAT MITZVAH shirt.
That's funny because it's like Bat Mitzvah, but with cats, and I'm volunteering with cats for my Bat Mitzvah! It has a cat wearing a tallis, a kippot, and holding a yad in front of the torah. I found this hilarious.
Plus tonight I got a beaded kippot. Kippot are those little hat things we wear on our heads.
And then tonight I got like TEN CDs!!!! YAAY! There was Dvorak and Tchaikovsky and Suk! And Smetana! Hooray!
I dedicated each of my candles to someone. They got all globby and melty and I felt a little bad.
It's time for....
Last night I had a really weird dream. Not especially weirder than the norm, but still. So we were in a lunch-room. For lunch. By "us" I mean me, Clarissa, Emma, Alex, and a ton of other kids. And I was at the front of the line, but then I had to go up this slide (like a water slide with a raft that was being moved up and down) to put a pipe in place that would give me spaghetti. I was pleased that I was ahead of you guys (sorry) and didn't want to loose my head start, so I started pushing the raft up the slide.
Apparently there was a problem, though, because this other part of the pipe-works on the slide needed a part or it would short circuit and everything would blow up. A bunch of kids were protesting and stuff, but the teachers wanted to wait for this repair trolley to come from Africa so they could use their express Africa-trolley coupons for better deals. I was freaking out on the raft, not knowing what to do. Luckily, Kaitlyn grabbed a pipe part from Alex and dashed up the slide to put it in place.
Thank you, Kaitlyn! By then we had all forgotten about lunch, and school was over anyways, so we were all leaving. I was driving Clarissa home in a taxi-thing (Alex, you were sitting in the trunk playing on a DS) except all these "guilt-ghosts" kept popping up. Guilt ghosts were weird cars that would veer strait towards our car and then disappear at the last second, making us spontaneously confess our sins.
We learned to deal with these (by ignoring them) except then a bunch of guilt ghosts became all solid, cornered the car on that intersection with Amsterdam and North Highland, and tried to kidnap us. We all ran.
I was caught first. By these goons with sun flower masks. They put me in a back seat of another EVIL taxi. I decided to pretend to be all dead to impress you guys when you got kidnapped. That got uncomfortable, so I was pretty glad when you showed up, Clarissa, and I could get on with the act.
We had been kidnapped by Jezrek (who, in case you don't remember, is Dad's other SWTOR character - the EVIL one). For a while we fooled around in the back, except then Jezrek turned around and was all-
"You girls should sober up and resign to the Christmas spirit" or something like that. Implying that I celebrated Christmas! Of course Clarissa started cracking up.
I decided to start dropping hints.

Me: Are we almost there yet?
Jezrek: No.
Me: Well, I'm kind of concerned. Because it's like 9:00, and I'm missing the last. Night. Of. CHANUKAH. Because you kidnapped me in your smelly taxi.
Jezrek: *grunt*
Me: Do my parents even know about this?
Jezrek: Yeah.
Clarissa: What about MINE?
Jezrek: No.
Me: Did mine AGREE to this? Since, you know, it's CHANUKAH and all.
Jezrek: Yes.
Me: ....

Anyways, he dropped us off in this yard with a swing set. Then this bulldog with piranha teeth came and started trying to maul me. I screeched and started running. The woman who owned the swing set was all:

Her: Oh, don't worry.
Me: What?
Her: Just let it calm down.
Me: And then it won't *pant* bite me?
Her: Oh, it will. But you better let it now.
Dog: GRAUGH!!!!
Me: Why?!
Her: Because it will hurt much more once you're on the swing!

Luckily I woke up right around then.
Thanks a lot, Jezrek.
Sorry this post was so random, I hope it occupied you all the same.
See you! :)


    Why isn't your new computer post labeled "cats"? I mean it has a whole video of cats.

    This is a private blog...
    Unknown has an account...
    Did you invite them?
    Yeah, I guess I'm freaking out a bit too much, how could someone get on if it's private and you didn't invite them? You must have invited them. Okay.

  3. That would be Benjamin.
    Being annoying.
    He logged onto mom's account (which's sole purpose was to monitor the blog) to read my posts.
    But he had permission to be on and everything....


I could be wrestling with a squid underwater right now, in MORTAL PERIL somewhere in Kenya's squid reserve, and yet I would still find time to respond to this, so make it count.
[P.S. 25% proceeds from comment benefit donates to the Kenya Save the Squid fund. Sign up today!]