Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy Year of Doom

It's 2012
in less than 8 hours!
Isn't that exciting?
What I love about the 21st century, is that this is when Ray Bradbury and all that start setting up their sci fi!
As in we're in a year SO BIONICALLY AWESOME that writers can barely COMPREHEND what awesome technology might be ruling our universe!
Okay, disclaimer. As far as I know, no Sci Fi was actually that far out set in 2012. As in flying ships and intergalactic travel and whatever. Teleportation.
There is a bunch of sci-fi written about 2012-end-of-world whatever. Movies. Etc.
But that's currently besides my point.
Think with me. Think what ALL THOSE people thought this year would be like. 2010's. A century ago. Think of how bizarre the sci-fi writers must have pictured our world ten years from now. Think of what the world might actually be like. I mean seriously. Voice command, artificial intelligence, automatic EVERYTHING. But all those kids in our day who picture the 3000s and wish they were there? I'm sure people dreamed of the stuff they wished they could do in the future in the 1950's. AND WE CAN.
Perhaps I'm not portraying this in the best way.
But when you really think about it.... doesn't it make you feel so AWESOME? Haha George Washington. You may tell the truth. But can you ask a small metal box to give you directions to a desired location? And then have it answer back? AND DRIVE THERE IN ANOTHER METAL BOX IN LIKE THREE SECONDS?
I feel so smug.
So let's all join together in a moment of universal smugness at those a century ago.
[Yeah, I am aware that these same magical little boxes are leaching the Earth of resources, causing 4 species to go extinct every hour, and screwing the global thermostat. I know. I know. It's new years. DON'T POP MY BUBBLE.
Trust me, I am aware. I'm just trying to enjoy my last hours of 2011.]
In this post, for my 2012 New Year Fest, I want to focus on three main points.
1) Technology
2) The Apocalypse
3) The Old Year

Just for kicks I have some homemade pics of cool technology, which I invite you all to guess at what year we might be witness to these scientific feats, if at all.
 Mind-reading software.... decoding brain frequencies or whatever. Any takers?
 Teleportation! Which, I BELIEVE is already being experimented on with atoms, using spooky action at a distance - using the mysterious connection between atoms to transfer one' or whatever to another, disintegrating to original. But objects? Humans? Huh?
 Floating hover cars and all that. In the neon bubble realm of your wildest dreams. I bet this could happen in less than ten years, definitely, if scientists put their minds to it. You could instal a magnetic grid underground.... And do all sorts of related stuff in the same blast.
 Movies that are ACTUALLY 3-D.... in books. .... No real theories on this one.
Cloning! Yeah, cloning is already possible. People do it all the time with sheep and stuff. I hope you all already know that. But I'm talking about BLAM insta-copy. Not going through the whole identical - baby stage. Although I don't think that's been done with humans... (there is sci-fi though... there's always sci-fi). The thing is, that's the current solution to teleportation. You copy all the atoms to exact copies of the original. Exactly the same. Thing is, the original is then INCINERATED. Plus their brains would be the same. Same memories, same instincts.... So perhaps that doesn't qualify as a clone. What do you think?

And I won't get into time travel... yet. There's just too much to say, and I'll save that for a future post.
Now, let us consider the sidewalks. In various ideas of sci-fi novels in future settings, I've considered the idea of voice activated sidewalks.
So there are like, moving sidewalks.
They're voice activated.
Programed to your voice (if you have a SideSlide account).
You can ask the sidewalk for a map. Or directions. Or a dictionary.
You can ask it for food. You say "Cherry Coke". Your voice command causes a bottle to be moved mechanically from a storage area underground. It then pops out of the ground at one of the holes nearest to you.
Do I actually find this idea that awesome? Well, the map idea is neat. But no, not really.
What I find cool about this idea is that it could probably actually HAPPEN in the near future. With the technology available now? No prob.

Oh no.
So, as I'm sure all of you know, 2012 was predicted by the Mayans to be the end of the world!
Not in January, guys. Next December. The 21st.
So I was thinking about this. Then I was like "Well HOW is the world going to end?"
I have some theories, but I want outside input.
Once I have some COMMENTS pertaining to the end of the world, I'll make a little doom post.
In the mean time, gear up!
Consider using items from the following list:
-inflatable rafts
-fire extinguisher
-motorcycle helmet
-spray bottle
-sacrificial knife (you never know)
-sledge hammer
-signal beacon

I recommend the acid. Seriously. PRIORITIZE.

Big whoop.
But 365 days (and 6 hours) from now, we're gonna be tossing 2012 in the bin right after 2011 saying "Wow, that sure went fast."
I considered making a little cartoon for 2011's benefit, but that exceeded my allotted frame limit.
Instead, let's just all make sure that 2011 has a nice last flare.
2011, this is for you:
"Hey. I know it's rough being kicked out by year of the dragon. But don't take it too hard. We've all been there. And yeah, we're celebrating your demise. That's harsh. But you can make it 2011. You've given me Spain. I'm giving you hope. GO 2011!!!!"
And then, here's a little song I wrote. I want to put it up, but it's up to YOU to decide how:
a) soundtrack for cartoon
b) music video
c) with pictures
d) just write the lyrics
and I'll do the best I can with the majority vote.

I'll find ways to spiff up this post as soon as possible...

P.S. I am stockpiling "timeless" posts right now, in case I'm too busy to post at a later date. Things that don't really pertain to any one day? If you feel things are going slowly and you want one, ring a bell!


    I think it's going to end like in that movie 2012. Where earthquakes and floods and tsunamis and volcanoes all happen at the same time.
    So all you need is a secret jet that can take you to some special safety fortress in the north pole!

  2. No, seriously? Here are some other possibilities:
    You know how Dec. 21 is, like, the longest night of the year? The sun rises the latest and sets the earliest? Well, what if the sun NEVER RISES. Yeah, because we're eternally trapped in Dec. 21 and the Earth just STOPS MOVING and we all starve to death!
    Or else the Dark Elders could return. Yup. That would finish us off FO SHO.

  3. It's about how dejected 2011 is being replaced.
    It liked being on the calendar.
    Then it was torn down and replaced by snobby 2012.
    I'm trying to make it have a (somewhat) upbeat ending.

  4. I like the new theme thingy and all the bubbles.

  5. Thanks Emma. I felt like putting up pictures and just got all bubbly.
    Glad you like the new template!
    P.S. Any thoughts on the end of the world?

  6. Hey, I just realized this, but on the page where you were talking about argon atoms? You got the placings right on the protons, neutrons, electrons etc., but I'm pretty sure neutrons are neutral, not negative, and electrons have a negative charge.

  7. Well, I think it's going to end when the universe either stops its expansion and collapses back into a singularity or gets way too big and dark and cold for any life to exist.

  8. Which probably won't happen for an extremely long time. We're talking trillions of years here.

  9. Okay, I now will request a timeless post mainly because I want to see what they are like.

  10. Things you need to do:
    - Emma's bday animation (or just get rid of the thing that talks about it)
    - 2012 music video
    - Timeless post
    - So-called "Mega Post"

  11. Julia, I liked your old background...
    I know you changed it forever ago but...

  12. .... This one is really awesome....
    I still liked the other one better, but yeah, you can keep it like this for a while if you want.


I could be wrestling with a squid underwater right now, in MORTAL PERIL somewhere in Kenya's squid reserve, and yet I would still find time to respond to this, so make it count.
[P.S. 25% proceeds from comment benefit donates to the Kenya Save the Squid fund. Sign up today!]