Saturday, December 10, 2011

Frozen Toes

It takes me about 1/2 an hour to walk the 1.7 miles to school.  And in winter...
That's me, freezing to death. Notice two important things:
1)  My toes and arms are FROZEN IN SOLID ICE.
2) My "friend" is LAUGHING IN MY FACE.
Just wanting to point that out.
Anyways, although my toes are the most vulnerable, I have a chart of the various locations on my body that are prone to freezing in cold weather.

These parts are my nose, ears, toes, and fingers.
(You may have noticed that cartoon-me has long hair. That's because cartoon me always has and always will have long hair. ALWAYS. I have a long-haired soul)
Anyways, I have a chart of the danger levels of cold pain my toes endure as my "friend" stomps on them.

Your toes are cold, as in no longer warm.  You immediately start on this level, as soon as you step outside.
Toes are now uncomfortable; you want to be inside.  They squirm and you think negative thoughts.
Your toes begin to sting, as though small icy ants are biting them.  You are now quite pessimistic and you want shelter NOW.
Your toes feel a harsh sting, as though stomped on.  You find it improbable to distract yourself and can only hope to deny the remaining exposure you face.
Toes resemble having had recent contact with bare ice.  You probably start whimpering, if you haven’t already.
Toes have been on ice while stomped on with spiked cleats.  Induces hysterics; pain melts from your toes like a tide coming in.
Frostbite, or at least something close.

Call a hospital. Seriously. If this stage even exists it means you are about to die.
(The bar lines mysteriously disappeared. Sorry)
So, as you can see, we start on level one. There is no level zero. There are no levels inside. Level one is immediate, the awareness of a decrease in temperature one experiences when venturing into the outdoors.

That's me, regretting not just riding the bus.

Level 2 is when your toes are uncomfortable. If you had been outside playing, you probably would have gone back inside where your toes could be warm, however no actual pain accompanies this level.

That's me thinking "Darn, I'm less than a quarter way there. I KNEW I should have taken the bus."

Level 3 is when the pain revs up. You get stinging pains in your toes, like icy ants sending tiny pricks of pain through your nerves.
Level 3 is when you start doubting your survival and struggle for ways to distract yourself. 

Level 4 is intense, as though your foot was just stomped on. Hard.
Pay special attention to the Frostbitten goo oozing out of the sides.

Level 5 is evil. Level 5 is like the burning sore of having just stood barefoot on ice. All you can think is OWWWWWGODMAKEITSTOPOW in a drone of torture.  Your only option is to deny the remaining time in which you are likely to be trudging through pain.

Ow. Ow. I don't even want to think about it.

Level 6 is the killer. When you die and go insane. I doubt any description I have to offer can truly sum up the absolute pain that cuts jaggedly from my toes. OOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.
I had a gory picture, but have since judged it improper.

Level 7. Is this actually Frostbite? Probably not. There was one occasion where I was convinced that I had reached a 7 last year. Maybe a 5.8.

Level 8 was recently invented for when the coldness requires medical attention, as 7 probably doesn't.
Judging from the pain the other levels inspire, I can't even imagine what this would feel like.

When you finally stumble inside, screaming and crying and dying, you at first feel a pleasant warm tingling, but the warm contrast radiates deep into your skin and festers, short circuiting your nerves in blinding flashes of pain as your legs try to orientate themselves.

I invented this system to occupy myself - and thus somewhat distracting myself from the pain (which was at a 4.7) in my toes.

I hope it comes in handy in desperate situations for you all, and yet hopefully you won't have to use it.

Weeping for my pains,


  1. I got to a 6.2 once. You were there.
    I do NOT laugh in your face! And I don't stomp... anymore.
    Well hey it made sense in my head at the time! Like, you stomp on a fire to put it out...
    And EXCUSE ME, but do I recall ever being ridiculed for being aggravated by cold temperatures due to the season? WHO MIGHT HAVE DONE THAT???
    Can I publicly follow you now?

  2. Pphh!
    Don't make me laugh. You walk like a quarter mile. Don't make me laugh.

    That was the day I had to carry my math poster in. So I couldn't rub my hands together or put them in my pockets. You were pitying me. That's how bad it was.
    It wasn't a 6.2 though. I meant 5.2.

  4. Right...
    I was confused because
    a) I thought you meant toes and
    b) I thought we agreed that was a 4.8.
    Fingers freeze much faster than the protected toes when bare, but they're usually in pockets and curled up.
    So yeah.

  5. Hey! Clarissa! Your picture is all different! Why is it different? I liked the llama with a sombrero!

  6. I noticed that too! I emailed her.
    This is what she said:

    Because it's a cool bird.
    And another reason that NEVER YOU MIND because it doesn't matter anymore.
    So, the reason (r) happened.
    r caused me to change my profile picture to a bird.
    Then I decided against r.
    But I liked the bird anyway.

  7. ...
    Julia you do know it's illegal to post an email somebody sends you online????
    Actually I made that up.
    But it should be.
    And in any case it's treacherous! You know how parents are always like "If you email things to the wrong people, they could go and post it on the internet or forward it to others!"
    Well maybe you're a WRONG PERSON.
    Emma, I like birds. It's an awesome bird. The llama with the sombrero was getting tiresome, and I have another llama with a sombrero as the background of our blog.

  8. Okay, first of all, do you know HOW MANY emails I have seen on blogs? A lot. That was a rhetorical question.
    Anyways, have you considered that you're the WRONG FRIEND if you just randomly change your picture to a bird and then act all deliberately MYSTERIOUS about it?!
    So either you were going to tell Emma, in which case it didn't matter that I did, or you weren't, which was unfair to Emma and implies that you were being intentionally opaque in my direction to bait me.

  9. I can change my picture to a bird if I want. It has nothing to do with you. Unlike the email which is something I actually WROTE.
    I wasn't acting deliberately mysterious about it. I was pointing out that there was another factor, but I did not want to tell you what it was.
    Perhaps I wasn't going to tell Emma about r since she might FIGURE IT OUT because she's like that.
    In any case, I was mostly annoyed because you posted something I sent you you, you personally, not on a blog directed at you, but via email, online where anyone in the world could view it.
    Okay they can't now that you made it private.
    But still!
    I was mainly mad at the action rather than the content.


I could be wrestling with a squid underwater right now, in MORTAL PERIL somewhere in Kenya's squid reserve, and yet I would still find time to respond to this, so make it count.
[P.S. 25% proceeds from comment benefit donates to the Kenya Save the Squid fund. Sign up today!]